Heart Centered

Postpartum Care

The immediate postpartum time lays the foundation for the rest of the mothering journey. It is a pivotal and sacred time in a woman’s life.

We must start treating it as such.

From Surviving to Thriving

Cherish the Time

The weeks and months following the birth of your baby (or babies) is an incredibly special and significant time for processing and integrating the birth experience, bonding with your newborn, and finding new rhythms and balance in daily life. The postpartum time requires pulling our energy inward, slowing down, deep rest, warmth, and nourishment. It is a time when needs are high and support is essential. Just as a newborn baby is vulnerable and needs continuous support, so does the mother.

Choose from a variety of package offerings from below to suit your family’s needs.

Postpartum Care Packages

  • Holistic support for the first six weeks and beyond. if you are looking for all of the care and support this is for you! in Ayurveda they say the first 42 days reflect the next 42 years. This means that the immediate postpartum time lays the foundation for the life ahead. This care package is A complete container for deep healing, rest, nourishment and integration. This is a customizable 6 week in home care package minimum of 2 days/ 8 hours a week with full hands on care consisting of all the postpartum bodywork, cooking, newborn support, emotional support, household help and more. This is an invitation to evolve out of your postpartum time feeling deeply held, renewed and confident as a mother and woman.

  • individual sessions of 4 hour increments tailored specifically to the mothers needs. What is offered is holistic bodywork including abhyanga warm oil massage, belly bind and yoni steam. Nourishing meal preparation, light housework, breastfeeding and newborn support, as well as physical and emotional support. I meet mama exactly where she is at and provider her with what is needed most, whether that be all the bodywork, a full day of cooking and stocking the fridge or a little of both. This package is great even if you’re not in the immediate postpartum time but are needing some extra hands of support.

  • 1 hour warm oil full body massage including breasts and belly done with organic sesame oil and homemade herbal infused oils. I create a container for healing that meets the physical, emotional and spiritual body exactly where it is at and provides a sense of feeling grounded, centered and renewed. The body is always speaking to us, all we need to do is stop and pause to listen to heal.

  • During the postpartum time there is so much expansion. Physical, emotional and spiritual expansion beyond anything we’ve ever been through before. Birth being the grand finale of this big expansion. This This ceremony is a beautiful way to integrate all the nuggets of wisdom we have learned along the way and to feel a sense of coming back into the body. It is a time and space to feel held in the bigness, importance and reverence for this journey of motherhood. Closing of the bones can be done anytime during the first 6 weeks and beyond.

Feel Truly Nourished

“Mother’s are the soil from which humanity grows.” - Rachelle Garcia Seliga

  • Benefit from a range of traditional care practices including: Abhyanga Style Warm Oil full body Massage, Belly Binding, and Herbal Yoni Steam. Designed to create a field of safety and nourishment around the mother to support her overall well being and radiance.

  • The kitchen is the heart of the home. Tending to the nutritional needs of the mother and family creates a real sense of ease and peace during the postpartum time. Dishes are prepared for the whole family to enjoy, and centered around the Mother’s need for easy to digest and deeply restorative recipes.

    Hydration is essential to support a woman’s healing and sustain abundant breast milk supply. Herbal infusions, teas, elixirs, and nourishing drinks are prepared to have at the ready.

  • Ask questions and explore your own intuition with the safety of a calm, nonjudgemental support. You, as the Mother, ultimately know best and will be upheld to find confidence in your inner knowing.

  • Relieve the stress of daily chores like tidying dishes, laundry, and taking out the trash with an extra set of helpful hands.

  • Homemade herb-infused body butters, curated tea blends, tinctures and more, are created to serve Mama’s need for simple and traditional healing methods.

In Service to Mothers

Savannah Lamb

I am a devoted mother of two and Innate Certified Care Provider serving mothers and families throughout San Diego, CA

I hold space for mothers during their postpartum time by being a wellspring of resource and support. I combine holistic intuitive bodywork and care practices with culinary magic to offer a deeply nourishing and wholesome experience. From this place of support, mothers reconnect to their own innate power and intuition as women.

Through my own lived experience of finding myself buried in the depths of motherhood, and through healing all the layers of self-abandonment that got me there, I am now here to be a guiding light for women and to carry the torch of fire to illuminate the path for you on your journey of motherhood.

I see the immediate postpartum as a time of coming home to our hearts and bodies. We land on the fertile ground of this new life that was created through new life, our baby. If we can truly honor and see this space for the potential that it holds and tend to it with respect and reverence, then we can sow the seeds of thriving life that will continue to grow bigger and wider in our journey of motherhood. It is your time to live in beauty.

Being in this relationship of giving and receiving postpartum care feels like weaving golden threads of healing together. So be courageous and jump into this web of healing.

Let’s work together.

Small Batch Plant Medicine

Small Batch Plant Medicine

Healing Tallow Balms, luxurious body butters, and herbal infusions await you in the small batch plant medicine shop.